Where It
All Began
River City Theatre Company
was founded in 1990 in
Sacramento, California.
In a world of the competitive audition process, our founders saw an opportunity
to be inclusive. We became the first children’s theatre company in the Sacramento area to include every registered participant without an audition. Everyone is welcome.
Co-Founder, Ron Cisneros
is a very well-known dancer with a prestigious resume, a dance choreographer, and previously a local dance studio owner.
Co-Founder, John Iniguez
is a parent, grandparent and previously a law enforcement officer.
Ron and John came together to create an organization that would allow children 6-18 (1st through 12th grades) to perform classical and new musicals without having to audition. Their vision was to offer a workshop environment, with a fabulous performance at the end of the eleven weeks. Each performance is incredibly well costumed, and performed to a live orchestra.
It was our mission from the start, to provide a safe, inclusive environment, build community and deliver the best educational experience for children.
Here we are 34 years and 68 workshops later. And we are still as excited for our current production as we were for the first.
If you see us in the audience please say hello.